This movement is meant to get people more in-tune with their personal finances. The brand applications were made to encourage people to educate themselves on their financial options and regulate their money flow.
Problem: Many people in their 20’s have not thought about retirement but retiring is more achievable to those who start planning early.
Educational Campaign
Bus Ads
We would advertise on buses and other modes of public transportations because riding the bus generally saves you a lot of money in comparison to owning and driving a car. We want our audience to feel like they’ve already made progress towards saving and motivated to save more.
Phone App
Phones are more easily accesible than ever. This app will be a source of education and finance tracking. One of the features includes a “retirement calculator”, the user can input information, or the app will calculate it based off of previous spending and income, to find out how many years of working it will take to retire. The user can then determine whether or not they want to make lifestyle changes to change the number.
Other Applications
The “Impulse Control Coin” is a reminder stored in a wallet. Whenever the user reaches into their wallet to get their credit card or cash, the coin will remind them to hold off on impulse purchases for a few days to ensure that they want the item or service.